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Episode 11 - Undercover

Two undercover cops chase a suspected drug dealer to an open roof. A shadowy figure steps out of the darkness. One of the cops sees something in his hand, shoots, and the figure tumbles over the side. One cop will check on the victim. The other will call it in.

Meanwhile, Cal, Gillian, and her husband, Alec, have finished dining, but Alec has to work late again. Cal doesn't buy it and -- with Alec's glasses in his pocket -- follows him. When Alec embraces a blonde woman, Cal interrupts to return Alec's glasses. Alec introduces him to Christine, explaining she's "just a friend."

Responding to a call from the mayor's office, Cal meets Ria at a police station, where an angry mob has gathered. Detectives Eric Koranski and Adam Duke say the now-hospitalized Andre Ricks pulled a gun. His father claims Andre didn't own one, but they found a gun in the alley where he fell.

Cal questions the detectives, noting that Eric paused when asked to measure the distance from his bedroom to his bathroom, but not when asked his distance from Andre. Cal says Adam's telling the truth and Eric's lying, but he doesn't know what happened up on the roof. And when Cal gets into his car, someone is taking pictures of him.

Ria returns home -- Secret Service officer Karl Dupree is still there -- and Eli calls her. Ria explains Eli's freaked out because he did something wrong, lied about it, and confided in her. Karl doesn't like this.

Watching videotapes of the cops' interrogation, Gillian thinks Eric may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Cal wants to see tapes of them when they're not being questioned.

Cal tells the staff that Joseph Hollin -- the banker accused of running a Ponzi scheme -- is suing everyone involved in the failed attempt to recover his assets and every Lightman Group staffer will be deposed.

Eli offers Ria advice on lying to lawyers, plus some muscle relaxants. Ria replies that Eli hasn't been lying long enough to be good at it.

Cal visits Andre in the hospital. When Andre's father insists his son didn't own a gun, Cal notices that Andre's brother Antwon's neck twitches. Antwon admits Andre had a gun.

After watching the videotapes, Gillian says Eric shows no signs of PTSD but that he lies constantly.

Cal gets pulled into FBI headquarters, where Owen Finnegan explains Eric's actually an undercover FBI agent because intelligence reports say there are Al-Qaeda sleeper agents on the D.C. police force and Adam's one of them, and Eric wants Adam to identify the others. The FBI wants Cal to back off the Andre shooting because if the sleepers suspect Adam, they'll kill him and blow this investigation.

Gillian tells Cal that if Eric is undercover, the disassociation created by all the role-playing explains why he appears to be constantly lying. And when Ria receives a police photo of Andre robbing a store at gunpoint last year, Eli points out that Andre's face appears too relaxed. Cal realizes the FBI faked it, so he visits a contact at the CIA, who calls Cal "a walking question mark." He also says Owen's totally honest -- and tells Cal to stay away.

When questioned about the Hollin case, Ria covers for Eli, who continues to lie. Afterward, Karl confronts Eli, explaining Ria has more to lose by covering for him, but Eli doesn't care about that. And Cal sees Christine talking to Gillian, who explains she's "just a friend."

Meanwhile, Andre regains consciousness and tells Cal that although he once owned a gun, he didn't have one on the roof, but he doesn't remember what happened up there. Cal tells Gillian that Andre's lip pout indicates he's telling the truth.

Watching news reports of yet-another anti-police demonstration, Cal wonders why Adam isn't facing his accusers. Gillian explains the FBI is holding him for national security reasons. Cal says if Adam was a sleeper agent, he'd show more dissociative symptoms than Eric.

Owen tells Cal and Gillian the FBI's interrogation of Adam has produced nothing. When Gillian mentions that photo of Andre was faked, Owen doesn't know what she's talking about. Cal says an FBI agent has gone rogue.

Cal accuses Eric of spreading disinformation -- and not just that fake photo. Eric explains his daughter was killed by friendly fire while serving in the Middle East and everyone lied to him about it, so he lied to get back at them. And the sleepers are actually paramedics who planned to drive bomb-laden ambulances to the site of an initial bombing.

Eric also admits he planted the gun -- what Adam saw was a cellphone, so he actually believed Andre had a weapon. Eric gets handcuffed.

Called into Cal's office, Eli confesses everything. But Cal already knew that-- and Ria's role, too. It was just a test to see if Ria could keep a secret under pressure because loyalty is crucial to the Lightman Group. Eli's behavior, however, was inexcusable, so he can either stay on as an unpaid intern -- or leave.

Then Gillian tells Cal that Christine is Alec's sponsor -- he had a cocaine problem before they got married and has begun using again, but he's trying to stay clean. She also knows Cal didn't just happen to find Alec's glasses, so that personal line they're always talking about? Cal should remember to respect that.